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Streamlining Your Family Law Practice: How to Leverage Legal Technology to Serve Your Clients More Efficiently and Profitably

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Episode 57: Streamlining Your Family Law Practice: How to Leverage Legal Technology to Serve Your Clients More Efficiently and Profitably

In the two years since launching his practice in 2016 Bryan Crone has dedicated himself to building a highly efficient and optimized practice. He’s an ambitious guy who is driven to have a significant impact on many people’s lives by engineering his firm to be able to serve a high volume of clients. What makes Bryan truly unique is his investment in learning and implementing legal technology into his practice. He has also been dedicated to learning how to effectively provide unbundled services, which he believes is a key part of bringing his vision to fruition. Bryan’s firm is now on a growth path to double revenues every year, and there are no signs of slowing down. Most importantly, he has put the systems, technology, and team in place that will enable his firm to continue to scale. Today, Bryan joins the show to share the specific systems and technology that enables him to serve a high number of family law clients efficiently and profitably. We identify the exact tools and services he uses, and how they impact daily workflows. We also discuss the creative ways he provides flat rate unbundled services and share some real-life examples of how he delivers them to clients.

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In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • An overview of three main ways you can grow your firm, and how to implement all three
  • How Bryan’s approach to calling his family law leads evolved during the first few months, and the process he now follows to book in-office consultations in 20 minutes or less
  • The importance of having a streamlined and efficient intake process, especially when you are responding to a high number of prospective clients
  • Some clear guidance on how and when to bring on an associate lawyer, including what tasks and cases to delegate and which to manage yourself
  • Valuable lessons Bryan learned from CEO’s and mentors he worked with in previous positions and how these lessons inform the way he runs his practice today
  • The importance of having all your software tools integrated together, and how to effectively implement these tools in your practice
  • The importance of taking time to run the numbers and assign average monetary values to each case type so you can identify the areas where you have the greatest opportunities to grow revenue
  • The value of delivering unbundled legal services as a flat rate, and how building efficient systems to deliver flat rate services can make them the most profitable part of your practice
  • A complete breakdown of cloud-based practice management software systems he researched and how he settled on the platforms he now uses
  • How to engineer your intake system to auto-populate forms and documents you will need for your clients, and how this saves countless hours of administrative time and substantially increases profit margins
  • The value of breaking cases down into “bite-sized” chunks by billing one segment at a time
  • Bryan’s thoughts on how unbundling positively impacts the affordability of legal services, and helps lawyers build a more profitable practice
  • Examples of the gratitude his clients express for providing services to them when they otherwise couldn’t afford it, and the fulfillment he feels from making a difference in people’s lives in meaningful ways
  • Bryan’s revenue numbers during his first two years of practice, and conservative projections for growth through 2020
  • The overwhelming number of clients that Unbundled Attorney is capturing and the opportunity this offers attorneys to build their practices, plus a direct invitation from our CEO for lawyers to become part of this movement
  • And much more …

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