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The Skeptical Attorney’s Guide to Lead Generation

8 min read

by admin

Just the very mention of “lead generation” sends many attorneys into cold sweats and flashbacks of being burned by paying for poor quality leads, and wasting their time with…

  • Clients with no money or wanting free services
  • Wrong phone numbers
  • Non-exclusive leads sent to multiple attorneys
  • Signup fees or long term contracts 

Ugh. And if you´re a solo practitioner or run a small firm, and you´re recently out of law school or within the first 10 years of your practice, chances are…

You´re saddled with mountains of student loan debt and the stress that goes with it.  

And the worst part is dealing with the anxiety of not knowing where your next client is going to come from.

There have probably been more than a few times when you´ve thought to yourself, “If only there was a lead generation company out there who could just send me a steady and consistent stream of high quality leads that actually have money, and a serious intent to hire an attorney right away…”

Well, you´re in luck.

Below you´ll learn how Unbundled Attorney has developed a reputation for having the highest converting leads in the legal industry for the practice areas we serve. 

Here are the 8 most common questions attorneys ask us when considering signing up for our services: 

1. Where do you get the leads? 

All Unbundled Attorney leads come in from an internet search where they type in the area of law and where they need legal help, and then see one of our ads. 

After they click the ad, they are taken to our landing page.

Then we give them an opportunity to be connected with an attorney in their local area, by filling out the form on the website. 

We do not outsource, or have any affiliate relationships in place. All of our leads are generated “in house,” so we can maintain the high standard of quality our attorneys have come to expect.

2. How do you screen / pre-qualify the leads?

We´ve worked for many years to optimize all aspects of our lead generation process to ensure the quality of our leads. 

What makes our approach unique, is we educate the clients on what unbundled services are and how much they typically cost.

We tell them that unbundled services typically cost around $500 – $1,500 dollars to get started with an attorney, and full representation is going to cost more.

This way – by the time you talk to the leads, they will already have a good understanding of what they can expect to pay for your services. 

So for you, it´s just a matter of talking to the client about their case, finding out what they need help with, and then tailoring the service options you offer to their specific legal needs and to their financial budget. 

And before we send you any leads – we´ll take you through an orientation training to help you understand the different service options you can offer, as well as typical price points, so you´ll be able to do that effectively. 

3. How good are the leads?

We´ve found over the last decade that our attorneys typically convert about 1 out of 5 of their leads into paying clients, and the average client value is about $3,000

This is because some of the clients will pay you $1,000 to $1,500 dollars for unbundled services, like drafting some documents or appearing at a hearing, and that´s it. 

Other clients will hire you for full representation right from the start, and end up paying you $5,000 to $10,000 over the course of their case.

So it averages out to about $3,000 or so per client.

Now, most of our attorneys start out receiving about 1 to 2 leads a day. 

So at one lead a day, that´s 30 leads a month, and at a 1 out of 5 conversion rate, that´s 6 new clients a month.

Six new clients times the $3,000 average client value equals $18,000 a month. 

So that´s going to be our first goal: to help you make an additional $15,000 to $20,000 per month. 

4. Are the leads exclusive? 

Yes. Here´s a friendly tip: never, ever take non-exclusive leads… Otherwise, you´re competing against as many as 4-5 other attorneys, for the exact same leads, and it’s a race to the bottom in terms of price and service.

At Unbundled Attorney, our leads are exclusive. Every lead we send you, is ONLY sent to you.

This makes Unbundled Attorney leads a lot easier to convert into paying clients and allows you to relax and take your time with each lead. Your leads are yours alone.

5. Is there a contract? 

No. At Unbundled Attorney, we have never required a long term commitment or contract, and we never will. 

The only reason we have hundreds of attorneys working with us all across the country, is because they are doing extremely well financially

If they weren’t making a solid return on their investment with us, they would have cancelled long ago.

The fact that we don’t have a contract keeps us committed to making sure our leads are the best in the industry, and that all of our attorneys are making great money with us. 

Bottom line, any lead generation company that tries to rope you into a long-term contract is clearly not confident in the quality of their leads.

Make the smart choice, and only sign up with a lead generation service that works hard to earn your business every single day. 

6. Is there a sign up fee / up front cost?

No. We do not charge a sign up fee or take a deposit up front. We simply start sending you the leads up front for the first 15 days. The clients start coming in, start hiring you, and they start paying you for services.

And as that money starts coming in, you take a portion of it, set it aside, and reinvest to get more leads coming in the door, and we´re off to the races from there.

7. Do you offer a way to test out the service to make sure it will work for me? 

Yes. We´ve found that a lot of attorneys can be apprehensive about investing in a lead service because they’re afraid they might lose money, or have had a bad experience in the past.

So this is why we offer a 20-lead money back guarantee.* This means we guarantee you will be profitable from the first 20 leads we send you, or we will give you a full refund, no questions asked. 

This way you will have the opportunity to receive enough leads to give this a fair shake, without taking any financial risk. 

*Applies to family and estates / probate and we offer a 10 lead guarantee for bankruptcy.

8. Do you offer any training or help in converting my leads into paying clients? 

Yes. As an Unbundled Attorney, you will have a Dedicated Support Lawyer assigned to your account whose sole job is to help you convert your leads and make great money with this.

This person is a former or current Unbundled Attorney that knows your world and understands the unique challenges and opportunities you face.

And we offer this dedicated coaching and support at no additional charge

The support we offer is a major contributing factor as to why our attorneys have such great results with our leads, because your success is our success.

At Unbundled Attorney, we´ve got your back.


To learn more about how our lead generation service can help grow your practice, and to find out if we still have leads available in your area, give us a ring at 800-230-5984, or schedule a call with us here

You can also explore our reviews page, where you can hear from over 100 attorneys talking about how we’ve helped them grow their practices over the years.

To your success, 

The Team at Unbundled Attorney

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Ready to Try Our Leads?

To learn more about how our lead generation service can help grow your practice, and to find out if leads are still available in your area, contact us at (800) 230-5984 or click the button below to schedule a time to talk with our team.